
The last couple of years have spurred radical change and incredible adaptations and adjustments. I KNOW I am not alone in this. Ive watched so many people transform in very incredible ways over the last couple of years. And, while there have been many painful moments (or extended periods of time!) What I am seeing is a very real sea change amongst many of my peers.

I started a new career in 2017 with a set picture in mind. Here is is the end of 2021 and things have turned in wild and magnificent directions. The main take away for me has been to regularly take inventory and be exacting in throwing out what is no longer working.

Life is short and these last 2 years has really revealed how fragile this time on earth can be. I feel now, more than ever, its important for me to take stock and adjust accordingly.

Mostly, I find that it is my own ways of thinking and behaving that need changing. (Can I REALLY change anything else??) Having the ability to be honest with myself and sit with the discomfort of seeing a version of myself I would prefer not to is a real act of bravery sometimes. And, then, going beyond the first layer and diving into what is behind the thinking and acting is even bolder and scarier (sometimes).

Sometimes its difficult to see changes in ourselves, and then, you handle a situation SO differently that you amaze yourself.

I have to remind myself that more often than not, folks are doing their very best. I know that I want people to assume that about me. And, most times when Im thinking about how Ive fallen short, Im wishing hard that Id had the grace or the understanding to do exactly what was necessary to fit the situation. But, the truth is, humanity is full of foibles. Acceptance is the thing I keep spiraling back to over and over again. Both of others AND myself.

I keep wondering about this glorious concept of transformation and wonder if, really, its all a matter of the unearthing and unravelling of what is NOT part of me. Essentially, Im considering that the transformation is really more of a restoration.